Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH)
Laser-assisted hatching (LAH) is an advanced technology utilized in conjunction with IVF treatment to enhance the likelihood of successful embryo implantation.
In the realm of IVF treatment, achieving pregnancy is not guaranteed even after successful fertilization.
Upon transfer to the woman’s uterus, the embryo must implant onto the uterine wall for pregnancy to occur. However, in some instances, the embryo fails to hatch and implant, resulting in IVF treatment failure.
For individuals experiencing IVF failure due to unexplained reasons or a poor prognosis with traditional IVF treatment, laser-assisted hatching may be recommended.
The objective of LAH is to overcome any obstacles hindering embryo implantation or successful pregnancy.
During the IVF procedure, fertilized eggs undergo development in the laboratory for 2 to 5 days, eventually forming embryos.
A healthy embryo is then transferred to the woman’s uterus in hopes of achieving pregnancy.
Throughout this developmental process, the embryo becomes enveloped in a protective shell known as the zona pellucida.
Natural implantation requires this protective shell to break open. However, in some cases, the outer layer of the embryo hardens, impeding the hatching and implantation process, thereby contributing to infertility.
Throughout this developmental process, the embryo becomes enveloped in a protective shell known as the zona pellucida.
Natural implantation requires this protective shell to break open. However, in some cases, the outer layer of the embryo hardens, impeding the hatching and implantation process, thereby contributing to infertility.
In laser-assisted hatching, a small incision is created in the outer layer of the embryo before its insertion into the uterus.
This strategic hatching aims to facilitate the embryo’s implantation process. By promoting successful implantation, increases the likelihood of achieving pregnancy. laimaa healthcare can help you in delhi